Bag a Stag!

Your best friend is getting married and you’re looking for a cool way to make his last day of freedom memorable right? There is no better activity for your stag’s pre-party than on the paintball field with your best friends, dressed as commando’s (or Borat) and shooting anything that moves. Every week stag parties are held at Delta Force Paintball centres somewhere around the globe, and for very good reason. We love rising to the occasion and creating special game-play designed to make the groom to be the centre (or target) of attention.
Paintball is an awesome adrenaline-pumped activity for stag parties, and is the best start you can have before your night out on the town. With our paintball centres being located near major cities, you’ll be back in town partying the night away in no time at all. After all, we are all just big kids deep down, and what better way to renew the bonds of ‘mate-ship’ than by charging around the movie quality set game zones we provide and shooting strangers (and friends) on sight? The stories you’ll have to tell in the coming years will have you crying with laughter.
Feel free to find the brightest clothes you can, dress up the stag or hen and you are guaranteed a day of laughter. Paintball games can be tailored to single out certain individuals, ensuring the bachelor has a ‘memorable’ day out.

Special games can be arranged for stag parties – games that make the key people in your group the focus of the proceedings. If we have a President to assassinate – you know who that’s going to be, and who his appointed bodyguards will be too! Can you trust your mates, or will they light you up like a Christmas tree?
Make sure the buck remembers his day, with a fluorescent pink tutu or maybe a Borat costume being the most preferred choice of clothing. Whilst playing paintball in a Man-kini is really not to be recommended – you make the rules, and if that’s what rings your bell, well hey, let’s do it!
So contact Delta Force Paintball today on 1-800-568-8909 and send your stag out with a bang!