
Just your average joe playing paintball.

Average Joes make up a large number of our players at Delta Force Paintball. Our players are hard-working fathers, mothers, students, and even retirees. They arrive in all states of fitness, shapes, and sizes. However, they share one thing in common: they all leave completely thrilled by the experience and so glad that they came along and gave paintball with us a go. Paintballing in Canada has never been easier! Located an easy drive from the central business districts of Vancouver and Calgary, it offers the best game zones and equipment the industry has to offer.

Don’t hesitate to bring family and friends to any of our centres. The latest safety equipment is issued to all who play. Your total protection includes a full-length camouflaged suit complete with protective neck padding, extra torso/chest protection, a full head helmet and goggle set, an ammunition battlepack, and, of course, a semi-automatic paintball machine gun!

On arrival, you should have already completed the online registration details for your day (your group organizer will have the link to share). You’ll then settle into base camp, which will be your behind-the-scenes headquarters for the day. It’s here that you’ll find yourself morphing from civilian to soldier. If you are competitive, you can stay up-to-date with your team’s progress throughout the day’s combat on the scoreboard.

In our base camp, you can rest from the heat of the battle, discuss your tactics and the rules of engagement before the next mission of your paintball session, or if you are the troop-nominated driver for the day, you can wait in comfort and safety for the players to come back from combat.

Rest assured that your action-packed Canada paintball adventure will be full of high-voltage action. Depending on which Delta Force Paintball Canada location you are at, you’ll play in our incredible movie-themed game zones, including Resident Evil, the thrilling Prison Break, or maybe one of the battlefields complete with tanks, all of which will test the skills and abilities of all players one way or another.

Our highly experienced staff are friendly and will also referee the games and readily give out those essential tips to help you gain an advantage and achieve all your objectives on the day. Our staff just loves their work and what they do because they are all paintball enthusiasts themselves and will strive to generate excitement. They’ll have any shy average Joes turned into raging warriors in no time.

A cool thing about playing paintball with us is that you don’t need any previous experience. The ‘average Joe’ is very well suited to playing with us, as we have gameplay particularly structured for their enjoyment. It’s a great leveller, as people of all fitness and skill levels can play as equals.

So for a thrilling experience at Canada’s best paintball centres, round up your friends and get ready for what will be the highlight of the year!


  • Delta Force Paintballing

    *Terms & Conditions Apply.
    • 4-5 action-packed games
    • A large selection of movie-set quality paintball game zones
    • Full head protection incorporating an anti-mist goggle system
    • Full body protection – body armour – free for all players
    • Full neck protection – combat suit with high padded collar
    • Custom designed special-forces combat suit
    • Latest USA-spec rapid-fire semi-automatic machine guns
    • Hip-mounted 400-shot capacity ammo magazine (to safely carry your paintballs)
    • Tuition and supervision by friendly Delta Force marshalling staff
    • Unlimited Air refills
    • Comprehensive $2 million public liability insurance
    • Safe, friendly and professional service
  • Delta Force Paintballing

    • 450 Paintballs
  • Delta Force Paintballing

    • 650 Paintballs
    • Gloves
    • Groin Guard
  • Delta Force Paintballing

    • 950 Paintballs
    • Gloves
    • Groin Guard
    • Tactical Vest
    • Googles
    • Upgrade Guns
    • MK5
  • Delta Force Paintballing
    50 Paintballs

    • 50 paintballs
  • Delta Force Paintballing
    100 Paintballs

    • 100 paintballs
  • Delta Force Paintballing
    1000 Paintballs

    • 1000 paintballs

* To qualify for group upgrade options all players in your group must pre-purchase one of the above group upgrade options. All upgrade packages are excluding Taxes.